Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Sensitive management
gender and diversity

Are you a manager who wants to develop inclusive leadership?

You are committed to creating a work environment that fosters the development of everyone's full potential.

The training enables participants to reflect, rethink habits and know-how, and acquire the skills to manage and develop an organization that makes diversity a strength, by breaking glass ceilings.

Expected results

Target audience

This course is designed for executives, managers, human resources, boards of directors, etc.


Coaching diversity managers

What goes through the mind of a person from a minority group when he or she reaches a position of responsibility?
As a result, we believe we have no right to make mistakes.

We're afraid of proving the skeptics right, or even those who have already bet on our failure.

We don't want to be a bad role model.

The manager's loneliness can be compounded by undue pressure.

At Djinko Consulting, our executive coaches have been there.
We accompany you on your journey to ensure that the fruits of your labors live up to their promise.
